Caring For And Coping With Geriatric Cat Blindness


Cats, like humans, sometimes experience vision degradation as they grow older. In some cases, a cat may even go blind later on in life, due to disease or other problems. While rare, sometimes older kitties will go blind relatively rapidly, going from normal sight to completely blind in a matter of days. If your cat doesn't seem to be able to see, here's what you need to know to help them.


Cats can go blind, especially later in life, for a variety of reasons. Diseases like diabetes and cancer can potentially cause blindness, genetic predispositions to problems like progressive retinal atrophy can cause it, and even injuries can cause partial or full blindness.

See a Vet

If you suspect your cat is becoming or is already completely blind, see a veterinarian at a place like Grove Center Veterinary Hospital immediately. There are a few reasons why you need to see a vet if your cat is blind:

  • Blindness Indicates an Underlying Problem - In many cases, blindness may be the first noticeable symptom of a serious disease that needs treatment. For example, the most common symptoms of diabetes in cats is drinking a lot of water and urinating frequently, which may be overlooked. Your vet will probably want to run blood tests and give your cat a physical to determine why they went blind and if there's a disease that needs treatment.
  • Reversing the Problem - Restoring a cat's vision isn't always possible. For example, retinal atrophy has no cure. However, in some cases, getting the disease treated (like diabetes or high blood pressure) can restore full or partial vision to your cat. However, waiting too long may result in permanent damage that can't be fixed, so don't hesitate to get help.

Worst Case Scenario  

At this point, you might be feeling panicked, imagining what your and your cat's lives will be like if the cat doesn't regain its vision. Thankfully, even if your cat's vision isn't restored, it doesn't mean that their life is over or that they should be put down.

Blind cats can live relatively normal lives because their other senses are so strong. Their sense of smell, which is fourteen times stronger than a human's, can lead them to food, their litter box, and you. Their whiskers are designed to help them navigate through small spaces, and the ones that stick out in front of their face will help to prevent them from walking into walls and objects. Their paws are also extremely sensitive, which will help them to discern where they can safely walk and what part of their home they're in. And of course, cats' ears are amazing, and hearing your voice or even your footsteps will help your cat to move around your home.

If restoring your cat's vision isn't possible, your vet may have some tips you should follow. Otherwise, just plan on making your house as easy for your cat to navigate through as possible. Avoid leaving things on the floor where they normally walk, as they could become lost and confused.  If you have to change the layout of your home, do so gradually, one piece of furniture or object at a time, so your cat has time to adapt.

Cats can live long, happy lives even without their sight. With some luck, your kitty's vision can be restored, but even if it can't, your cat will make it through this change.


30 July 2015

Talking About Pet Vaccinations

Hello, my name is Marissa. Welcome to my site about veterinarians. I decided to buy myself a puppy for the holidays. I searched my community for a breeder and picked up my puppy right away. Unfortunately, within a day, I noticed my puppy was not feeling well. The poor animal picked up a virus on the way home due to the lack of proper vaccinations. The vet was able to save my puppy and give her all the correct vaccinations. I will use this site to explore viruses and other conditions that vets prevent through precisely timed vaccination schedules. Thanks.