Signs Of Trouble: 3 Physical Changes That Might Be An Indication Of Canine Cancer


Much like human beings, dogs are highly susceptible to developing cancer sometime in their lifetime. In fact, canine cancer is likely to affect 1 in 4 dogs, and cancer is actually one of the top disease-related killers in dogs. Catching cancer in its early stages is the key to preventing tumors from growing out of control. As your dog ages, it's crucial that you take them in for regular veterinary check-ups. You should also be on the lookout for these 3 physical changes, as they are commonly thought to be early warning signs.

Unusual or Foul Odors

As your dog ages, pay closer attention to how they smell. You should definitely be wary of unusual or foul odors that come from their mouths, nose, or rectal area because foul odors may be caused by cancerous tissues. Foul smells not only come from numerous different types of tumors, but also tumors that have become an abscess due to the bodily fluids and bacterial or viral buildups that are trapped around the tissues.

Cancers that cause foul odors usually mean that the cancerous tissues have blocked self-draining tracks. In short, the cancerous cells are acting as an obstruction and causing fluid to accumulate in certain areas of the body. You should bring your dogs in for a veterinary checkup if they persistently and constantly emit foul odors from their body.

Bulges and Lumps Under the Skin

Another easy physical examination you can make to determine whether there's a chance that your dog has cancer is to look for lumps and bulges. In particular, you want to look for lumps that appear to be on or under the skin. Inspect the lumps to check if they are sores or just swollen tissue from a previous injury. It's easy for active dogs to hurt themselves. The lumps should appear to be growing with time. Cancer spreads quite quickly in dogs, so you might even notice the lumps grow larger day by day.

Lumps that are bleeding or have discharge coming from them need to be inspected by a veterinarian as soon as possible. You should make note of the precise location where each lump is found. In addition, you can even track the rate of growth with daily photographs.

Unusual Weight Loss or Loss of Appetite

If your dogs previously loved meal time and couldn't wait to munch of their bowl of food, but now no longer seems interested in eating, it might also be an early warning sign of cancer. As your dog ages, keep a record of how much they eat on a regular basis. If you notice that your dog's loss of appetite lasts longer than just one meal, it's time to take them in for a veterinary checkup. You should be particularly concerned if the loss of appetite is accompanied with lethargy. You know your dog's personality best. If you notice that they don't have any energy lately and are constantly sleeping, there's definitely something wrong.

In addition, you should also keep a record of your dog's weight. If your dog is consistently losing weight despite not being on a diet, it is also a cause for concern. Cancer can really mess up a dog's metabolism and can significantly interfere with their immune system and physical and mental health.


While these early warning signs may be indicative of other types of illnesses and diseases, they could also be early warning signs of cancer. It doesn't hurt to bring your dog in for a veterinary checkup. In fact, that checkup could potentially save their life and improve their quality of living 


25 October 2016

Talking About Pet Vaccinations

Hello, my name is Marissa. Welcome to my site about veterinarians. I decided to buy myself a puppy for the holidays. I searched my community for a breeder and picked up my puppy right away. Unfortunately, within a day, I noticed my puppy was not feeling well. The poor animal picked up a virus on the way home due to the lack of proper vaccinations. The vet was able to save my puppy and give her all the correct vaccinations. I will use this site to explore viruses and other conditions that vets prevent through precisely timed vaccination schedules. Thanks.